Alfapet Eläinlääkärit Oy | Espoo

 Yleinen ajanvaraus ja neuvonta

 09-805 5900 

Hammashoidot ja leikkaukset, ajanvaraus

+358 44 2427 009

  AUKIOLOAJAT MA-PE 8.00 - 20.00

Hansatie 26, 02780 ESPOO 

In English


We have displayed a few example prices on our website. You will receive a more accurate estimation during the appointment. If you are unable to find a price for an appointment, do not hesitate to contact us. All prices include VAT, a service fee and medical charges. Please note that necessary medications, supplies, laboratory examinations or additional procedures can affect the final price. We reserve the right to make changes to our pricelist.  here you can find our online booking calendar. You can also call us at (09 8055 900) or contact us via email ( to book you an appointment in English.

(*) includes all medications needed.

We use Agria and LähiTapiola direct compensation services. It is also possible to pay with the use of our Alfa credit.

In case you need to cancel your appointment, please do so no later than the previous day before 18 o'clock to our email or by phoning the clinic. We charge 30 euros for an uncancelled appointment or for failing to cancel in time and 50-90 euros for an uncancelled dental care or surgical appointment.

  • Vaccinations

    First vaccinations for puppies (include vaccine against distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus) and kittens  (include vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia) 35€ + vaccines

    Vaccinations for dogs (include vaccine against distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus + rabies) and cats (include vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia + rabies) 35€ + vaccines

    Vaccine during another appointment 15 € + vaccine

    Price depends on the given vaccine. For example dogs Nobivac DHPPi and rabies in total 17,5€ and cats RCP 11€

  • Microchip

    Microchipping and basic health check-up in total 88€

    Microchipping during another appointment 35€

  • EU pet passport and echinococcus treatment

    EU pet passport ( for pets rabiesvaccinated at our clinic ) in total 75€

    EU pet passport during another appointment 35€

    Echinococcus treatment, (medication is added to the price) 23€

  • Veterinary consultation, pre-emptive

    Short  veterinary consultation 15 minutes, health check starting from 79€

    Veterinary consultation before anesthesia, including blood samples. For dogs starting from 169€, for cats starting from 204€

    Veterinary consultation by phone. Only for patients who have visited our clinic before. 30€ for every commencing 10 minutes 

  • Veterinary consultation, medical treatment

    Veterinary consultation (30 minutes) and health check starting from  125€

    Comprehensive veterinary consultation (starting 45 minutes) and health check starting from 165€


    Chemical castration for male dogs (6 months duration) altogether 180€

    Chemical castration for male dogs (6 months duration) altogether 253€

    Ear or skin infection 30 minutes; includes cytology, no medications, starting from 180€

    Eye examination 30 minutes; does not include medication, starting from 160€

    Urinary infection 30 minutes; includes urine sample analysis, no medications, starting from 175€

  • Laboratory

    Our clinic has an in-house laboratory, where we can analyze eg. most routine blood samples during the same day. Also it is possible to send samples to external laboratories for further or special analyses.

    Price examples for our in-house laboratory analyses

    Basic blood chemistry (albumin, globulin, alkaline phophatase, alanine amino transferace, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose and total protein) and hematology 92,37€

    Thyroid value, thyroxin 54,17€

    Inflammation marker for dogs, CRP 51,82€

    Tick-borne diseases snap quick test (anaplasma, lyme disease, ehrlichia, heartworm) 61,42€

    Please note that the prices of blood samples are added to the consultation price (e.g. 30 min, starting from 120€).

  • X-ray and ultrasound examinations

    Please note that the prices of the following procedures are added to the consultation price (e.g. 30 min, starting from 125€).

    X-ray 1-2 images starting from 100€  + 50€ per additional images 

    Ultrasound examination starting from 45€

    Ultrasound examination of the bladder and cystocentesis sample, starting from 55€

  • Dental treatment

    Assesment for need of dental care 37€

    Cats tartar removal, dental examination, whole mouth dental x-rays and anesthesia monitoring during inhalation anesthesia starting from 435€ (does not include medications)

    Dogs tartar removal, dental examination, whole mouth dental x-rays and anesthesia monitoring during inhalation anesthesia starting from 450€(does not include medications)

    Surgical dental treatment

    Includes tartar removal, dental examination, whole mouth dental x-rays, necessary dental extractions, medications, anesthesia monitoring during inhalation anesthesia, and extraction check-up with our nurse. Two separate treatments may be necessary with demanding cases.

    Price range of one treatment:

    For dog and cats: 450-2000€

    Biopsy during dental treatment including pathology results about 250€

    Deciduous canine tooth extraction, including x-rays starting from 410€  following deciduous canine teeth 70€ per tooth

  • Surgery

    Female cat sterilization (removal of ovaries) total 197€ (does not include used medications and supplies)

    Male cat castration (normally descended testicles) 

    total 125€ (does not include used medications and supplies)

    Female dog sterilization (removal of ovaries) 

    Under 20 kg starting from 530 €

    20-40 kg starting from 630 €

    Over 40 kg starting from 750 €

    Male dog castration (normally descended testicles) 

    Under 20 kg starting from 400€

    20-40 kg starting from 430€

    Over 40 kg starting from 485€


    Male dog abdominal cryptorchid surgery

    starting from 790 €

    Female dog mammary gland tumor surgery starting from 740 €

  • Official health examinations, PEVISA

    Hip screening starting from 190 €

    Hip and elbow screening starting from 230 €

    Hip, elbow and spine screening LTV or LTV, VA and SP starting from 380 €

  • Reproduction

    Gestation ultrasound examination (starting from 21 gestation day) total 97€

    Gestation x-ray (starting from 45 gestation day ) total 152€

    Progesterone test as nurse visit (without veterinarian interpretation) , first visit 85€, following tests 65€

    Progesterone test with veterinarian interpretation 164€


    Litter examination, first puppy/kitten 67€

    Litter examination, following puppies/kittens +20€

  • Geriatric patients

    Healthy senior dogs short consultation Hopeaviiksi (includes basic blood chemistry and hematology) starting from 160€

    Healthy senior cats short consultation Hopeaviiksi (includes basic blood chemistry, hematology and thyroid value) starting from 195€

    Healthy senior pets comprehensive consultation Kultasydän (includes basic blood tests and urine sample analyze) starting from 370€

    (If a urine sample cannot be brought to the visit, the price of the sample taken at the clinic while awake under ultrasound guidance is €55)

  • Euthanasia

    Euthanasia starting from 150 € + medications

    - Communal cremation starting from 35€ 

    - Individual cremation starting from 74€ + Urn starting from 16€ (cardboard urn) 

    Urn selection found behind this link

  • Vet nurse visits

    Vet nurse visit, short (eg. nail cutting ) starting from 20€

    Vet nurse visit, long (eg. fur shaving awake ) starting from 40€

    Extraction check-up for our dental surgery patients or stitch removal for surgeries done at our clinic as nurse visit 0€

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